One of the plant extracts used extensively in Janesce skincare products is calendula, or as it is known in Latin, Calendula officinalis.
The name “calendula” comes from the plant’s tendency to bloom according to the calendar, either once a month or with the new moon.
Jan Smith, the founder of Janesce, calls calendula ‘Natures Healer’ because the extract from the flowers has an amazing ability to speed the healing of our skin. She believes they are the most effective little healers of all the plants she uses.
Researchers have been able to validate the benefits of using calendula due to the compounds it contains like triterpenoids and carotenoids. These actives help reduce inflammation and accelerate our skin’s ability to regenerate. Calendula also improves the circulation to the skin and helps prevent infection.
Calendula has an antioxidant affect and this comes from the beta carotene the flowers contain. That is also what makes them look bright orange. Over decades of careful seed selection, the calendulas at Claret Ash Farm, the home of Janesce have an incredibly deep orange colour. The deeper the colour, the more powerful the extract from the flower is.
Calendula acts as a natural sunscreen, absorbing UVB rays. Its content of the antioxidant Vitamins A, E and C means it also protects the skin from premature aging by acting as a free radical scavenger. This is such a versatile plant that Jan puts it in most of the Janesce products so chances are, you have a few products that contain it. One product that is quite rich in calendula is the Janesce Suncare Lotion. It is added to this product because of its sun screening ability.
The other products within the Janesce range that contain very high levels are the Calendula Blossom Concentrate and Calendula Blossom Cream. As you can imagine, these products are used for skin healing and they are ideal for your home First Aid Kit or if you are trying to heal a wound. The Concentrate can be applied as soon as you injure yourself, but because of its fast healing action, it is not advisable to apply it to wounds that have not been thoroughly cleaned of any foreign debris or infection. It will heal over those types of things very quickly so it is important to only apply it to a clean wound.
The cream is only used once the wound is no longer open.
Because of its fast healing action, it is not advisable to apply to wounds that have not been
The Calendula Blossom Cream is used for the secondary phase of healing. It can be applied over the top of the Calendula Blossom Concentrate once the skin has knitted together and the would is no longer open. It is also great for nappy rash and cracked heals.
So that is calendula. A very useful plant that Janesce uses often.