We recently discussed the drawbacks of using synthetic vitamin A in skincare products. So what is the possibility of using a natural version of vitamin A instead?
This is a great question and the answer is “yes, this can be done”. In Janesce skincare we already use beta carotene, which is the natural plant version of vitamin A.
Plant-based vitamin A has loads of benefits for your skin. It is very healing, reduces sun sensitivity, helps prevent skin damage and is an excellent anti-oxidant.
Carrot seed oil is a particularly good source of plant-based Vitamin A and is found in quite a few Janesce products. But if you want a big dose, then your ‘go-to’ product is the Janesce Suncare Lotion. It contains so much vitamin A it’s yellow!
As we approach spring, this is a great time to start thinking about re-introducing this product into your skincare routine if you discontinued its use over winter. Not only will you benefit from the large dose of plant-based vitamin A it contains but it also improves your skin’s natural resistance to the sun. Just a reminder, it needs to be used on top of your moisturiser, everyday rain or shine!